Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Get Help or Give Help at Free Student Tutoring, Adult Literacy, Special Needs Programs Starting at TLE

By: Alas Zerbino - TLE Official Blogger

When he was in middle school, my son was stymied by math courses taught in classrooms packed by 25-30 kids and only one teacher. It wasn't until he began to work with a tutor that some of the mysteries of math began to reveal themselves - enough that he could pass the classes.

It's a given in the world of education that the best way to learn something is through one-on-one tutoring. But because of the lack of resources, very few students - from grade-school-age through adult - are fortunate enough to get that kind of tutoring. For every student like my son who was lucky to get tutoring, there are thousands more who need it but don't have access to it.

That's one big reason why the TLE Educational Network is launching a free tutoring program at its virtual education center in Second Life!

The tutoring program is one of three new educational initiatives TLE has designed and is announcing during this week's Grand Opening events (see list at end of this post), and is extending a warm invitation to anyone interested in tutoring or mentoring to join in.

Students Improve through Tutoring

This virtual education tutoring program will use two! methods to provide assistance:

  • One-on-One Tutoring: TLE will link those wanting assistance in a particular area of study with a tutor who can help them. Language arts, sciences, and math are the major focuses, but other subjects may be available, too. Any student and any tutor from anywhere in the world can sign up to give or receive tutoring through the TLE Educational Network in SL, and the student and tutor will work together at times and in ways convenient for them.
  • Study Hall: TLE is setting up blocks of time when tutors are available at TLE in Second Life, and anyone can come to get remedial assistance. Students can bring their homework, assignments, and questions and work with a tutor in a group setting. The mentors will not do the work for the students, but will help them to better understand the subject.

Learning Challenge! s Support

People with dyslexia, autism, and other special needs often face major obstacles in getting educational assistance. The Internet, and particularly a virtual world like TLE inhabits, is a perfect learning and support environment for people dealing with special needs and those who support/help them.

Through its Learning Challenges Support group, TLE will offer special tutoring, mentoring, and sharing/support programs that will help those with learning challenges master their studies - and will also establish a network for sharing ideas, support, and group programs for people who have special needs and for those who are their support system.

Adult Literacy

The third educational service TLE is launching in Second Life will be an in-depth program to help adults who want to lear! n to read English, or to read it better. With both t! he U.S. adult illiteracy rate and illiteracy rates around the world being so high, there's a strong need for more help - especially assistance that is free to the receiver.

"At TLE we know if you are Illiterate you live in a very scary world and TLE would love to help you in any way possible." ~ TLE Board Sponsor of the Adult Literary program

The Adult Literacy Program will start at the bare minimum with skills such as letter recognition, phonics, and work towards reading at a first-grade level. After some time, students will move on to more advanced reading.

Tutors in the Adult Literary program will also help people with job applications, legal for! ms, etc.

How to Participate in These Programs

1) Those who wish to participate as students or tutors in any of these programs are encouraged to join any or all of the new TLE groups for these programs.

There are several ways to join the groups (which are not Second Life groups, so they do not take up an SL group slots):

  • In Second Life, go to the tutoring corner of the TLE Educational Network Student Lounge, where you'll find signs for the three groups, as well as additional information. Click the sign(s) for the groups you wish to join.
  • Or go to the TLE Groups Room, which displays signs for all of its special-interest groups, as well as the general group. Click the sign(s) to join the group(s).
  • Or access the TLE Groups Web page, where you can type in your SL avatar name and select the groups you wish to join.

(You can learn more about how TLE's groups function and how you receive information from them by checking out this post.)

2) Let us know how you'd like to participate - as either a learner or a tutor.

  1. Go to the TLE Student Lounge tutoring corner (shown in above photo).
  2. Click the purple sign to receive a notecard.
  3. Fill in the notecard.
  4. Drop it into the black mailbox in that same corner of the lounge.

3) TLE will follow up with you based on what you've indicated.

Tutoring/mentoring programs such as these are incredibly rewarding for everyone involved - and can make a huge difference in the lives of the individuals, their communities, and the entire world. I look forward to hearing the success stories that I know will come from these virtual education support programs at TLE.

Grand Opening Week at TLE Educational Network January 13-17, 2010

Special Events Each Day:

Wednesday, Jan. 13
12:30 p.m. SLT
Dedication of Memorial Fountain with comments by fountain designer Aelwyn Fields
Comments by Holocaust survivor Fela "Fanny" Starr
Bagpipe music by The PipeDreams Group
Thursd! ay, Jan. 14, two times:
12-2 p.m. AND 6-8 p.m. SLT
JOB FAIR at TLE Publishing House Building
Information about teaching & other positions available at TLE
Friday, Jan. 15:
12 noon to 2 p.m. SLT
2-4 p.m. SLT
STUDENTS' DAY at TLE Creative Arts Building
Games Tournament
'50s Sock Hop Dance with dance music provided by DJ Peris Ashton
Saturday, Jan. 15
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SLT
Welcome by Eagle Himmel, TLE teacher
Dancing for fun & fundraising
Live music by Idella Quandry (Alicia Morgan), keyboard player/singer/songwriter
Sunday, Jan. 17
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SLT
GALA GRAND OPENING BALL at TLE Publishing House Building
Introduction of Adult Literacy and Special Challenges Groups
Ballroom dancing
Music provided by O! nlyHalfCrazy Gumbo

free tutors

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